Sunday, March 7, 2021

Nootropic Journey

Nootropic Journey

I was soaring over city streets, free as a bird, dodging light poles and oncoming trucks.  I wondered at my own miraculous ability to fly.  How is it, thought I, do I possess this ability?  Is this for real?  I felt a surge of energy course upwards from my toes into my upper torso.  Aha, that's where this power arises, I thought to myself.  Wait a minute, interjected another voice in my head - you're dreaming.  This is all a dream experience and that's why you are able to fly, realistic as it might seem.  The realization dawned in a flash that I was in bed, asleep and dreaming.  However, I was now awake within the dream.  

[Picture credit and "how to" tips: How To Have Lucid Dreams]

Excited by the prospect of actively controlling my dream from here on, I "took charge" of my flight trajectory and started exploring my environment consciously.  Unfortunately, I was perhaps too awake, and could not sustain the lucid dream state - in a few seconds, the dream world collapsed and I found myself in bed, eyes open, with the early dawn light making its appearance outside.  

Prior to falling asleep the previous night, I'd been thinking about lucid dreaming and if there was a way to induce the state.  As with my prior and only other lucid dream experience (see Bali Ha'i: Awake within the Dream), some subconscious mechanism appears to have triggered the experience in response to my wanting it.   It is also possible that the Tulsi, Kava and Ashwagandha nootropic supplements I took prior to bedtime may have contributed to the state of relaxed alertness that is conducive to lucid dreaming.  See Ashwagandha and lucid dreaming and Kava and Dreaming.  Enjoy your own flights, of fancy or otherwise, and be sure to let me know if you awaken in the dream!

P.S.: Children have the ability to lucid dream at will.  We all did.  We just lose this ability as we “grow up”.